Cloud Foundry vs Heroku - Which One is Better for Your Business?

April 18, 2022

Cloud Foundry vs Heroku: The Battle of the Clouds

Are you looking for a cloud platform to deploy your business applications? Then, you might have heard about the two most popular cloud platforms, Cloud Foundry and Heroku. But the million-dollar question is, which one is better for your business?

Here, we are going to provide an unbiased and humorous comparison between Cloud Foundry vs Heroku. So, without further ado, let's get started.

Deployment Speed

When it comes to deployment speed, both Cloud Foundry and Heroku have their unique selling points. Cloud Foundry offers the quickest onboarding speed, as it takes only a few hours to start deploying your application. On the other hand, Heroku may take a bit longer than Cloud Foundry. But it has an intuitive user interface that allows developers to deploy applications easily without much technical knowledge.

Verdict: Cloud Foundry wins by a whisker.


Both Cloud Foundry and Heroku are cloud platforms built to handle scalability with ease. But Heroku has a different approach to scaling than Cloud Foundry. With Heroku, you can scale horizontally by adding more dynos (Heroku's word for containers), while Cloud Foundry deploys a new instance of the application.

Verdict: Both platforms offer exceptional scalability. It depends on your preference for horizontal or vertical scaling.


Pricing can make or break a deal, and it's no different when it comes to cloud platforms. Cloud Foundry is an open-source platform, which means that you can use it without any licensing costs. However, Cloud Foundry requires more technical expertise and in-house resources to operate, which can affect your bottom line. On the other hand, Heroku is a paid platform but offers a more user-friendly approach, allowing you to scale using a simple slider.

Verdict: It's a tie. If you have in-house technical expertise, go for Cloud Foundry. If you want a hassle-free experience, go for Heroku.

Community Support

Both platforms have a supportive community of users, offering a wealth of resources to help you develop and deploy applications. Cloud Foundry has a larger community owing to its open-source nature, while Heroku has a smaller but equally supportive community.

Verdict: Cloud Foundry wins due to its larger and more vibrant community of users.


In conclusion, choosing between Cloud Foundry and Heroku depends on your specific requirements. Cloud Foundry has the edge with faster deployment and a larger user community, but it requires more technical expertise to operate. Heroku, on the other hand, is more user-friendly and has a simpler scaling process, but it comes with a cost.

We hope this comparison helped you choose the cloud platform that best suits your business needs. Good luck!


  1. Cloud Foundry vs Heroku: Which is the right fit for you?
  2. The Key Differences and Similarities Between Heroku and Cloud Foundry.

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